Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Greetings, Earthlings and Sailors Alike

Aye, Matey
Have you come looking for the old sea story to two have ye?
Well, then, you are in the right spot, aye, laddie and lassie.
(Wasn't Lassie a dog? Wait a minute.)
Just finished me latest, yas, I did. Good one too. What you don't believe me?
Gam your eyes on this one
Ye be wanting the one at the bottom, past the topless lassie,
(I am going to get in trouble here, aren't I?)
The one called, (drum roll)
'Boat Improvement in Exotic Ports Around the World'
No, it is not all serious like. Read the free chapter.
Ignore the other books.
Who would want to read things like:
The Tigers will Eat you Alive
Education of a Falcon
The Hong Book
Just half the voting public, the other half are doing their civic duty. JOKING!!!!

This has been my very first blog. Hey it was fun! Thanks!

Cap't Mike